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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chapter 1

When wander far, your heart stayeth closer.
                                                      Tyriniye Wrytly
                     Director of the Redguard College
                    1212-1200 Lunar
    The trees whistled softly their knowledge of the winds in their branches,a quiet whistling sound, only broken by the lone sound of the swallows singing their song , lamenting twilight. All this was shattered though, by a man in a deeply colored brown trench coat, walking along the path to his destination ahead.  He made no rush, for it would be foolish to do so, instead he focused on his surroundings, his hands gripped tight, his eyes narrow. This man walked on for some time until coming to his  stop in front of  the sign that marked his destination.
    Ios, the town of the cherry blossom. Ios was a lockehight township, formed by their founders many years ago, and as one might of guessed, Ios was famous for its incredible cherry trees. The man went through the gate to get to his destination, passing through narrow streets and stairways that the lockehight cities usually had. The man went quickly to the city center where the city official buildings were and then turned to the knowledge district, as it was known, and proceeded to make his way to an abandoned looking red brick building.
    The man too his hand and placed it over the lock. The sharp “click” brought the door to open. Darkness, at first anyway, then the mans eyes began to adjust to the light level, all it was was a dark empty main room with two adjoining rooms to the main part of the building. A door would take you to the living quarters of the house, this was the man’s destination.
    Through the door, another room, presumably the living room and kitchen. up the steps, to a little bedroom with a simple desk and bed. This was his new home. He took off the trench coat and hung it up, then sat down at the desk. The darkness was beginning its art, as he liked to call it, across the city. The man had lot’s of work to do, little did he know how much his work would amount to, to bring the Magic Arts to Ios, the city of the blossoms.
    “Virtial, wake up!” The Dulimer immediately brought a ruler down onto Virtial’s hand. Sharp pain was the first thing he felt as he woke up. The Dulimer was the teacher of the class, which happened to be history on the Aquatic Cyclic.
“What?” He said.
“Class give Mr. Nariiy a round of applause, he has just earned himself detention for, let’s see here...the fifth time this cyclic. It takes skill, getting that much
“Now wait a minute,” Virtial started,
“No!” was the sharp reply, “I have wasted enough time focusing on you, you’ve wasted far more than a minute for the class.”
“Well if you’d shut up,” he muttered.
“Say it again, Mr. Nariiy?”
“Never mind.”
“There are no “never minds” in my class Virtial. Now, what was your thought.”
“You just…”
“Never…” But Virtial didn’t have time to finish his word, for the Dulimer conjured up a bright round orb and landed it on Virtial’s head. The next thing Virtial knew, he was on the floor, the class laughing around him.
“Let that, be your lesson Virtial, there are no “neverminds” in my class.” Virtial immediately made his way to his seat.
God, that was embarrassing, everyone looking at him and Luna, she was looking too. Where was the hole? Was it nearby? Maybe he could stay in there for an least until Luna forgot about it. Now the clock seemed to move even more slowly, seconds seemed four times slower. Just 10 minutes more. Now 5. Now… and the chimes rang, signaling the start of the next period. Virtial immediately dashed out, avoiding the looks of his teacher and fellow classmates, dashing to the next class. This was his life, nothing more than a student who wouldn’t stay awake. But this was soon about to change.
Virtial was, to say the least, a fairly average guy. His features were somewhat sharp with bright blue eyes that were accentuated by his light brown hair done in a fish tail style above his head.
Virtial headed down the hallway that had orange and white tiles and headed down the stairs to his final class of the day, magic theory, another class that Virtial could not understand
“If they want us to know more about magic, why don’t they just teach more spells?” He asked himself, pensively in thought. He bumped into more than one person on the way to class, for his school was smaller, with a huge attendance. The name of said school was Ulian Final Studies, 4th tier Academy, a smaller building that the government had wanted to expand for years, but the growth of the Ulian city itself always took first priority.
    Virtial Immediately sat down at his desk for his magic theory class with Dulimer, Jacobson, who some referred to as one of the best wizards in the academy, some even said he was more powerful then the vice-headmaster himself. When Dulimer Jacobson came it the class quilted to a hush.
    “Today we will be learning about the Trinity law in the dimensions. Now, the Trinity Law of Dimensions has, as the name trinity suggests, three laws to it. The first, the two extreme dimensions, Heaven and Hell, can not, under mere magic, interact with each other. Furthermore, the 5 inner dimensions may not connect with them, needless to say though, the extreme dimensions interact with us. Second, three dimensions may not be linked together through a portal, only two may be so; In other words you can not have on portal going to three places, it’s absolutely unstable. Third, matter that is in the Void Dimension stays in the Void Dimension. If I must remind you, the void dimension is the dimension that matter is transported to if caught mid transport between two dimensions. At the back of the class Kelly Strickler raised her hand.
“ But why does it have to stay there? Isn’t the void dimension between everything? Like a bridge going to two points, couldn’t you just create another bridge going to the center point, you can get to two points, why not their center point?”
“Good question Kelly, "retorted Jacobson. "You have a valid response with the bridge analogy. If you can get to two points why can’t you get to the midpoint between them? You see, Void Dimension is like the canyon between our two dimensions; With the canyons in our dimension we’re able to dig down and create roads into them. In the multi-dimensional however, we can not do the same thing. In dimensional physics, everything is figurative and follows very figurative and straightforward laws. In our world we’re able to bend things to unlawful wills through magic, however in the multi-dimensional world, magic does not apply. Like I said in a previous lesson, when we cast a portal we’re not actually changing the face of the multi-dimensional world, we’re pulling two dimensions together that are affected by magic. The multi-dimensional world is not affected. I guess in a way you could say we’ve never really stepped into the multi-dimensional world, we can only theorize about what’s there.”
    That was the extent of the lesson that Virtial listened to. He was obsessed with dimensional studies but the rest of the lesson was far too basic for what he knew. He slipped back into his thoughts until class was over.
The rest of the day was luckily, uneventful for Virtial, he had no friends, no one liked him, and he liked it that way. Making his way home he wondered about the scale of what he was missing by being in the Academy. He could be exploring the uncharted territory, creating a theory riveting spell, maybe even discovering an eighth dimension. Instead he was stuck studying why gravity was untouchable by the magical forces of the, blah, blah, blah. He wanted more than anything to change the world, but did he have to spend forever learning the useless facts of all things magic, the unexplained force?
He made his way down Linked Ave. Little did he know he wouldn’t be going home alone.